
SEC Division of Examinations Risk Alert - Initial Observations Regarding Advisers Act Marketing Rule Compliance

SEC Division of Examinations Risk Alert: Initial Observations Regarding Advisers Act Marketing Rule Compliance

On April 17, 2024 the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Division of Examinations (the “Division”) issued a Risk Alert regarding investment advisers’ compliance with amended Investment Advisers Act Rule 206(4)-1 (the “Marketing Rule”).  The observations contained in the Risk Alert focus on

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SEC Enforcement: Senvest Management Enforcement Action – Electronic Communications

SEC Enforcement: Senvest Management Enforcement Action – Electronic Communications

The Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) has announced a settled Administrative Proceeding with Senvest Management LLC (“Senvest”).  Pursuant to the SEC issued Order, Senvest failed to maintain and preserve certain electronic communications and failed to enforce its code of ethics.  The code

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Division of Examinations - 2024 Examination Priorities for Investment Advisers

Division of Examinations: 2024 Examination Priorities for Investment Advisers

On October 16, 2023, the Division of Examinations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Division”) published the 2024 Examination Priorities.  Historically, the Examination Priorities have been published in the 1st quarter of the applicable calendar year.  For 2024, the Division

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DCS - SEC Division of Examinations Alert - Investment Advisors - Assessing Risks, Scoping Examinations and Requesting Documents

SEC Division of Examinations Alert to Investment Advisors: Assessing Risks, Scoping Examinations and Requesting Documents

The SEC Division of Examinations (the “Division”) issued a Risk Alert on September 6, 2023 that describes the Division’s risk-based approach for selecting advisers to examine and outlines the scope of areas to be examined.  Investment advisers may be selected for examination

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